CEL Kids Hackathon


CEL Kids Hackathon

CEL Kids Hackathon is an annual collaborative coding event for students in grades 5 to grade 9 to help them begin their coding journey and showcase their coding talent. The students would be required to participate in pairs. Children would be given a problem statement aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals for which they have to create a project on Scratch if they have access to a computer or Pocket Code if they have access to Smartphone. They will submit the project to us along with a concept note to be reviewed by our expert panel.

Schools or parents can register their children in pairs. The top 6 winners would receive prize money, goodies and certificates worth INR 15000. However, all children would get a certificate with feedback after the successful submission of their application along with concept notes. The purpose of CEL Kids Hackathon is to ensure that kids experience the evolution from being a consumer to the creator of technology.

Reach in Past 2 Editions

245 +
1 +
1 +

Benefits of CEL Kids Hackathon

Build 21st Century Skills

Build creativity, problem solving, collaboration and perseverance in kids promoting 21st century skills which will help in academics now as well as in future in professional life.

Get Expert Feedback

Each entry receives expert feedback to help kids be confident of their strength and areas to grow which motivates them to code to solve more problems.

Win Cash Prizes & Recognition

Winners get recognition, cash prizes and cool goodies. The work of all participants is recognized with certificates and celebrated with goodies.

Evaluation Criteria

Relevance & Purpose

The project created should be aimed towards a purpose which is relevant to you and your surroundings. Also, it should be aligned to the problem statement of CEL Kids Hackathon 2020.

Computational Concepts

It means how well the integration of computational concepts defined by MIT Media Labs have been done. The seven concepts for computation like sequence, event, loops, parallelism, conditionals, operators and data.


It means completeness to achieve the task, aesthetics to appeal to the user and simplicity to use the project.


It means how the responsibilities are shared amongst the pair and their ability to sort out their differences and move towards a goal.


Winners 2024

Winners 2023

Winners 2022

Winners 2021

Winners 2020

Winners 2019


Registration for Hackathon 2024 is open!

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