Teaching Coding to Showcase Academics

I started teaching coding to 3rd graders with the help of code.org curriculum and then Scratch in a low income school in India. The idea for students was not only to learn to code but also to use coding to showcase academic learning and express themselves.

In class, the atmosphere was of continuous healthy learning competition where the kids would show me their projects and surprise me and on the other hand, coping up with them, I would take a weekly class to make them learn new blocks in form of some project which I would have learned and made the previous day.

In one such class, I wanted to expose them to a block which helps sense sound through microphone in Scratch. I also had made priority in every class that the blocks would be taught in a way where the kids can see its application whether its by showcasing class learning, teaching a topic, having a quiz, expressing with a greeting or an animation, etc. So, this time I came up with a project which could be used to learn alphabets. The idea was to empower my students with the thought that how can they use coding for not only themselves but for their younger siblings to teach them in fun way. This would also help them in bringing out their creativity, help them developĀ a content and give them poker chips which they really need living in a very challenging environment.

This is a short video which gives a glimpse of what happend in class that day.

Also I am attaching the project in case needed.



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