Donate To Us

We are on an ambitious dream of creating a 10000 pool of change makers with 21st century skills who would solveĀ global problems and impact the world in a ground breaking way. This is not only our story but its story of you, us and of every Indian fighting hard each day to overcome challenges. It is the story of every person striving hard to fulfill ambitious dreams.
In current times, the world is facing environmental, social and many multifaceted challenges yet evolving at a fast rate. We have to come together to make sure the children in India are empowered with creative skills to thrive in this world. Your generous contribution will help us to create an engaging coding curriculum for children. Moreover, it will help us implement the curriculum by directly working with children, empowering teachers, and organizing events.
We dream that children will use 21st century skills to design their future and ease world problems.
We hope you support us on our journey to create coding superheroes who can save the world! Your every contribution can change a life.
Your Donation will be eligible for exemption under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.