What are the things parents should understand as they bring their children into the world of coding?

Many research studies suggest that a child’s learning scale is highly related to how they are treated at home. Parents are the kid\’s first teachers and role models in their learning phase. Giving good support to kids in their education really lifts their spirit for learning. Children today are growing up in a fast-paced and highly technology-driven environment, very different from the one their parents grew up in. As coding skills gain importance in the 21st century, here are some key points that parents should keep in mind as they introduce their children to the world of coding.
  • Learning to code makes screen time, educational and fun!
With screens virtually everywhere, parents fear that screen times will disrupt childhood and keep their kids from getting and moving. Coding; through interactive, problem-solving activities turns passive screen watching into active screen time. Through coding children learn how to create games instead of playing games which builds cognitive abilities significantly.
  • Coding is important for all professions, not just programmers.
Like reading, writing, and speaking; coding is a tool that helps in the development of cognitive skills. Students learn to detect patterns and deconstruct a problem. This helps a child even if he/she doesn’t want to become a programmer because it prompts them to start thinking logically. 
  • Selecting an appropriate curriculum for your children
Parents should make sure that the coding curriculum they choose is age-appropriate and suits their child’s abilities. One should go for a program that is engaging, embedded in surroundings and promotes the holistic development of a child. For example, CEL follows a scaffold approach to bring coding to children. It starts with a block-based platform to build fundamental concepts and skills. Also, CEL’s lessons are woven around expressing and solving contextual problems connected with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Shifting focus from marks to wholesome learning
A full-proof measure of effective teaching is the learning outcomes in students. An assessment of any kind needs to focus on skill development. Parents, too, need to shift their focus from marks to holistic learning.
  • Inculcating a balanced lifestyle
As we move fast into the digital era, parents are encouraged to inculcate healthy lifestyle habits like exercising, reading, etc in their children from an early age. As a parent, you also can develop screen time rules, get involved with children, encourage them to showcase their projects. This creates a safe space for a child to grow and thrive. Coding allows kids to work on projects, based on passion in collaboration with peers, in a playful spirit. But it is a collective responsibility of parents, teachers, and students to harness the power of technology as a positive in their lives.
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