CEL Kids Hackathon​

CEL Kids Hackathon

CEL Kids Hackathon is an annual collaborative coding event for students in grades 5 to grade 9 to help them begin their coding journey and showcase their coding talent. The students would be required to participate in pairs. Children would be given a problem statement aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals for which they have to create a project on Scratch if they have access to a computer or Pocket Code if they have access to Smartphone. They will submit the project to us along with a concept note to be reviewed by our expert panel.

Schools or parents can register their children in pairs. The top 6 winners would receive prize money, goodies and certificates worth INR 15000. However, all children would get a certificate with feedback after the successful submission of their application along with concept notes. The purpose of CEL Kids Hackathon is to ensure that kids experience the evolution from being a consumer to the creator of technology.

Reach in Past 2 Editions

Benefits of CEL Kids Hackathon

Journey in CEL Kids Hackathon

Evaluation Criteria



Registration for Hackathon 2024 is open!